Triple convert event in The ZVO.ČI.TI DUO series will present two unique artists from different parts of the globe.
Anna Friz and Maja Osojnik will perform one solo song each, ending the concert evening with a premiere piece cinema for the ears created for this event.
Wednesday, April the 8th, 2015 at 20:30h ///
Komuna Hall, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana ///
Free entrance!
Anna Friz /// under lines
Routes and roads, power and pipes, signs and signals. Underground and overhead, they hum, hiss, announce, gurgle, and gulp; flickering and sometimes faltering. Hard and soft infrastructures, in process and in relationship. Sound is a surplus which reveals their activity, their eccentricity, and their ongoing change. under lines is a series of sonic observations, dreams, and nightmares of urban infrastructures gathered from temporary living in multiple cities.
Maja Osojnik /// Bleached
Using “mistaken sounds” / sounds that happened in different private recordings, that were meant to fulfill an intended goal, but came out as the result of digital mistakes, unwillingly distorted, over driven, phase shifted, useless. those unforeseen sounds, the “rejects” now make the perfect reality.
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Anna Friz and Maja Osojnik will perform one solo song each, ending the concert evening with a premiere piece cinema for the ears created for this event.
Wednesday, April the 8th, 2015 at 20:30h ///
Komuna Hall, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana ///
Free entrance!
Anna Friz /// under lines
Routes and roads, power and pipes, signs and signals. Underground and overhead, they hum, hiss, announce, gurgle, and gulp; flickering and sometimes faltering. Hard and soft infrastructures, in process and in relationship. Sound is a surplus which reveals their activity, their eccentricity, and their ongoing change. under lines is a series of sonic observations, dreams, and nightmares of urban infrastructures gathered from temporary living in multiple cities.
Maja Osojnik /// Bleached
Using “mistaken sounds” / sounds that happened in different private recordings, that were meant to fulfill an intended goal, but came out as the result of digital mistakes, unwillingly distorted, over driven, phase shifted, useless. those unforeseen sounds, the “rejects” now make the perfect reality.
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